Monthly Archives: November 2008

Predictions Using Mixture Components

Suppose that I have the following model: z_i \sim \mathrm{B}(\theta) \;\mathrm{ for }\; i=1\ldots N, \lambda \sim \mathrm{Unif}(1\ldots N), and p(y = 1 | \vec{z}, \lambda) = \pi_1 z_\lambda + \pi_0 (1 - z_\lambda). z, \lambda are hidden and y is observed.  This model is perhaps not as facile as it seems; the z‘s might be mixture components in a mixture model, i.e., you can imagine hanging other observations off of these variables.

Since z, \lambda are hidden, we usually resort to some sort of approximate inference mechanism.  For the sake of argument, assume that we’ve managed to a.) estimate the parameters of the model (\theta, \pi_1, \pi_0) on some training set and b.) (approximately) compute the posteriors p(\lambda) and p(z_i) for some test document using the other parts of the model which I’m purposefully glossing over.   The question is, how do we make a prediction about y on this test document using this information?  

Seems like an easy enough question; and for exposition’s sake I’m going to make this even easier.  Assume that p(\lambda) = \frac{1}{N}.   Now, to do the prediction we marginalize out the hidden variables p(y) = \sum_{\vec{z}} \sum_\lambda p(y | \vec{z}, \lambda) p(\vec{z}) p(\lambda) = \mathbb{E}_{p(\vec{z})}[\sum_\lambda p (y | \vec{z}, \lambda) \frac{1}{N}].  By linearity, we can rewrite this as \pi_1 \mathbb{E}[\bar{z}] + \pi_0 (1 - \mathbb{E}[\bar{z}]), where \bar{z} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_i z_i.  And if, as usual, I wanted the log probabilities, those would be easy too, \log (\pi_1\mathbb{E}[\bar{z}] + \pi_0 ( 1 - \mathbb{E}[\bar{z}])).

But suppose I were really nutter-butters and I decided to compute the log predictive likelihood another way, say by computing \mathbb{E}_\lambda[\mathbb{E}_{\vec{z}}[\log p(y | \vec{z}, \lambda)]] instead of \log \mathbb{E}_{\vec{z}}[\mathbb{E}_\lambda [p(y | \vec{z}, \lambda)]].  It is worth pointing out that Jensen’s inequality tells us that the first term is a bound on the latter term.   Because the \vec{z} is a set of indicators, the log probability has a convenient form, namely \log p(y = 1 | \vec{z}, \lambda) = \log (\pi_1) z_\lambda + \log(\pi_0) (1 - z_\lambda).  Applying the expectations yields \log (\pi_1) \mathbb{E}[\bar{z}] + \log(\pi_0) ( 1-\mathbb{E}[\bar{z}]).    

Jensen’s inequality is basically a statement about a first order Taylor approximation, i.e., \mathbb{E}[f(X)] \approx f(\mathbb{E}[X]), when f is convex.    When is this approximation good?  We might attempt this by looking at the second order term.  I will save you the arduous derivation: \log \mathbb{E}[p(y = 1 | \vec{z}, \lambda)] - \mathbb{E}[\log p(y = 1 | \vec{z}, \lambda)] \approx \frac{\pi_1 - \pi_0}{2 \pi_1 \mathbb{E}[\bar{z}] + 2 \pi_0 (1 - \mathbb{E}[\bar{z}])} \mathbb{E}[\bar{z}] (1 - \mathbb{E}[\bar{z}]). 

Now what better accompaniment to an equation than a plot.  I’ve plotted the 2nd order approximation to the difference (solid lines) and the true difference (dashed lines) for different values of \pi_0 while keeping \pi_1 fixed at \sigma(4) where \sigma is the sigmoid function.   The errors are plotted as functions of \mathbb{E}[\bar{z}].  I’ve also put a purple line at \log(0.5); that’s the actual log probability you’d see if your predictive model just guessed y=1 with probability 0.5.

Moving the log into the expectation

First thing off the bat: the error is pretty large.  For fairly reasonable settings of the parameters, the difference between the two predictive methods actually exceeds the error one would get just by guessing 50/50.  For small values of \mathbb{E}[\bar{z}], the 2nd order approximation is pretty good, but for large values it greatly underestimates the error.  Should I be worried (because, for example, moving the log around the expectation is a key step in EM, variational methods, etc.)?

I was motivated to do all this because of a previous post, in which I claimed that a certain approximation of a similar nature was good; the reason there was the low covariance or the random variable.  Here, the covariance is large when the expectation is not close to either 0 or 1.  Thus the second (and higher) order terms cannot be ignored.  There are really two questions I want answered now:

  1. What happens if the random variable in this model is \bar{z} rather than z?  
  2. What happens if the random variable in the earlier post is z instead of \bar{z}?

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So in reading group today Chernoff bounds came up.  The bound basically says that if we sample random variables and sum them we are very likely to be close to the expected sum.  Estimating partition functions is a central challenge in many machine learning applications, so couldn’t we just sample and estimate the sum and have the bound guarantee that we’re not far off?

To wit, let Y_1, Y_2, \ldots, Y_n be independent random variables bounded between 0 and B.  Let S = \sum Y_i.   Then P(S - \mathbb{E}[S] \ge n\epsilon) \le \exp(-\frac{2n\epsilon^2}{B}). 

Now let us adapt this to estimating the partition function, Z.  Let Y_i \equiv \mu(X_i), where \mu is some measure bounded above by B. Note that Y_i is a random variable that satisfies the aforementioned conditions.  Also note that Z = \sum \mu(X_i) = \sum Y_i and that \mathbb{E}[\mu(X_i)] = \frac{Z}{|\mathscr{X}|}.  This means that we can write the condition in the inequality as \frac{\hat{Z} - Z}{|\mathscr{X}|} \ge \epsilon, where \hat{Z} is the empirically estimated expected value of \mu.  This seems pretty good doesn’t it?

So let’s see what happens when we do things empirically.  I randomly generated Ising models by sampling canonical parameters (using the standard overspecified representation) from a N(0, 1) distribution for both individual and pair parameters.  In total, there were 40 nodes.  I estimate the partition function (or rather, the partition function divided by 2^40) using the above technique and plot the estimate as a function of iteration over 300 iterations.  I restarted the estimation 5 times to see if the different runs would converge to similar values.   Attached are said plots for 2 different models (10 runs of 300 iterations total).  

Monte carlo estimates of an Ising model partition function (1/2)

Monte carlo estimates of an Ising model partition function (2/2)

It seems like this estimate does horrendously.  You might as well use a random number generator =).  The key problem is that there are sudden jumps in our estimates.  When there’s enough coupling in the model, the modes become very peaky.   Another way of looking at it is by examining the bound on the right.  Recall that this term depends on the bound on the measure, B.  Unfortunately, this bound can be quite large; for the parameters I’ve chosen, it is something in the neighborhood of \exp(\frac{40 * 41}{2 * 2} | N(0, 1) | ) and expands exponentially in the number of nodes in the graph.  

So there we have it, Hoeffding’s inequality can only be applied when there isn’t much coupling and the bound on the measure is small.  As the bound increases, Hoeffding’s inequality gives us exponentially worse guarantees; unfortunately, the strongly coupled case is precisely the interesting case!

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Another Wrinkle…

So one more wrinkle to add to the pile.  I was wondering why a “better” method should fare worse.  All the explorations below have only confirmed that.  Well, there’s one other way (other than the E-step and the M-step) in which the two differ: prediction.  The link predictions routines are different and link prediction is where the real performance differences are as well.   In the case of \psi_e, we treat the model as a mixed-membership model.  This means that no additional approximations are needed to compute the quantity of interest \mathbb{E}[p(y_{ij} | z_i, z_j)].  That is to say, rather than calculate \mathbb{E}[\log p(y_{ij} | z_i, z_j)] as one does for the ELBO during inference and then exponentiating, instead we calculate the desired marginal directly (which is easy since we treat the covariates as indicators).  

A different approach is used for \psi_\sigma.  There, we compute the expected log likelihood, as in the ELBO, and then exponentiate.  We can do this by applying a first-order approximation; this basically linearizes this term and allows us to move the expectation freely around.  How much is lost by this?  

Instead of answering this question directly, I ask another question; how much is gained by doing the right thing on \psi_e.  I rewrote that computation to better mirror what we were doing in the \psi_\sigma case.   Answer: e > \sigma > e' where e' is my short-hand for \psi_e with the incorrect prediction scheme.   So we see that all of the gains that you get by going with \psi_e evaporate when we change how prediction is done.  This indicates that maybe the real culprit is how we predict using \psi_\sigma

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Regularized Logistic Regression Gradients

In the previous post, I showed how to compute the approximate objective function for regularization.  I implemented such a harness in R with some real data from one of my runs to prototype it.  Directly using nlm seems to work in fits and starts, perhaps because the optimization routine does not use gradients.  The next step then is to compute the gradients.   The gradient of the zero’th order term is \sigma(\mu) (\vec{p}^+ \circ \vec{p}^+), where \mu = \eta^T \vec{p} \circ \vec{p} + \nu and \vec{p}^+ = \langle \vec{p}, 1\rangle.  

The second order term is where it gets hard.  Taking the derivative by parts, we get \frac{1}{2} A''(\mu) \nabla \mathrm{Var}(x) + \frac{1}{2}\mathrm{Var}(x)A'''(\mu)(\vec{p}^+ \circ \vec{p}^+). To compute \nabla \mathrm{Var}(x), we use the derivation in the previous post to show that this is equal to 2 \eta \circ (V - \mathrm{Diag}(C)) + C \eta + \eta \circ \mathrm{Diag}(C).

I implement all this in R and it seems to converge erratically.  Further more, the “converged” values perform worse than the not fitting at all.   So to summarize results:

  • Both \psi_e and \psi_\sigma perform best without any M-Step fitting.
  • \psi_\sigma > \psi_e when the first is unfit but the second is fit.
  • \psi_e > \psi_\sigma when both are fit or both are unfit.

This is all very peculiar.  In order to ameliorate the fitting process, I collapsed the parameter space so that \vec{\eta} = \langle \eta, \ldots, \eta\rangle so that there are two parameters.   This seems to converge ok, and give results comparable to without fitting for \psi_\sigma.  When I do the similar parameter collapsing in \psi_e it performs worse.

In summary, it seems like across the board not fitting is still the best.

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Regularized Logistic Regression

Currently there are two regularization penalties, and this is sort of a hack.  Ideally, we’d want to stick with one that is consistent across methods.  This involves simulating additional non-links.   In other words, we want to add \log p(y = 0 | \psi_1) + \log p(y = 0 | \psi_2) + \ldots + \log p(y = 0 | \psi_n) to the likelihood we wish to optimize, where \psi is drawn from a distribution of our choosing.  Note that this becomes equivalent to \mathbb{E}[\log p(y = 0 | \psi)] = -\mathbb{E}[A(\eta^T \psi + nu)], where A(x) = \log(1 + \exp(x)).   This is intractable to do exactly so we use the same old Taylor trick.  

This is very important: first-order is NOT enough.  To see why this is, consider that what a first order approximation really says is that you can replace a set of points with their mean.  Well, if you did this in logistic regression for all the 0’s and all the 1’s you’d get a single point for the 0’s and a single point for the 1’s, i.e., complete separability.  And therefore your estimates will diverge.

So what are the ingredients to a second-order approximation?  We first need to compute the gradients of the partition function: A'(x) = \sigma(x), A''(x) = \sigma(x) \sigma(-x), A'''(x) = \sigma(x) \sigma(-x) (1 - 2\sigma(x)).  The other thing we need is the variance of x = \eta^T \psi + \nu.  Note that since variance is shift invariant, we can just compute the variance of x = \eta^T \psi.  

We can expand this by \mathrm{Var}(x) = \sum_i \sum_j \eta_i \eta_j \mathrm{Cov}(\psi_i, \psi_j).  Typically, covariance has two forms, one for when i=j and when for when i \ne j.  For convenience, we will denote the first V_i and the latter C_{ij}.  Then this can be rewritten as \sum_i \eta_i^2 (V_i - C_{ii}) + \sum_i \sum_j \eta_i \eta_j C_{ij}.  

At this point we need to make about the distribution of \psi.  We will assume that \psi = z_1 \circ z_2 where z \sim \mathrm{Dir}(\alpha \vec{p}).  C_{ij} = \mathbb{E}[z_{i} z_{j}]^2- p_i^2p_j^2.  \mathbb{E}[z_i z_j ] = \mathrm{Cov}(z_i, z_j) + p_i p_j = -p_i p_j \frac{1}{\alpha + 1} + p_i p_j = \frac{\alpha}{\alpha + 1} p_i p_j.  Consequently, C_{ij} = -\frac{2\alpha + 1}{(\alpha+1)^2} (p_ip_j)^2.

On to the next term: V_i = \mathbb{E}[z_i^2]^2 - p_{i}^4.  Using common properties of the Dirichlet, \mathbb{E}[z_{i}^2] = \mathrm{Var}(z_i) + p_{i}^2 = \frac{p_i (1 - p_i)}{\alpha + 1} + p_{i}^2 = \frac{p_i (1 + \alpha p_i)}{\alpha + 1}. This yields V_i = p_i^2 \frac{1 + 2 \alpha p_i }{(\alpha + 1)^2} + C_{ii}.

Finally, notice that \sum_i \sum_j \eta_i \eta_j C_{ij} = -\frac{2\alpha + 1}{(\alpha + 1)^2} (\eta^T (\vec{p} \circ \vec{p}))^2.

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